Just for your information, I am starting a new TOEFL course at the CLA in via Partenope next Monday. We will meet every Monday and Wednesday from 1 to 3, and if you haven't taken the exam yet, you are welcome to participate 'unofficially' (The first day will be an introduction, but on Wednesday we will start practicing for the exam.)
Despite my occasional foibles, your results have been EXCELLENT! Thanks to those who have written to me - I will be using your feedback about the exam to improve the course. If any of the rest of you have any suggestions, I would love to hear them. You can write to me here or via email.
I would also love to hear from you for any other reason, but especially if your results have helped you to go abroad or get into a PhD program; as some of you know, I think that is the best part of my job - helping my talented students reach their goals!
Best of luck to all of you! Dianna